It is the fall-back protocol when all else fails and it really doesn't work as well with View as other protocols. Microsoft's RDP is the lowest common denominator for View. So what should organizations use where? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each protocol and can organizations have just one protocol for all uses? The choice is really only between PCoIP and VMware Blast Extreme for VMware shops and the decision comes down to the devices users work with. The remote display protocol leaders are Microsoft Remote Desktop Protcol (RDP), PC over IP (PCoIP), VMware Blast and the new Blast Extreme, as well as Citrix's HDX technologies. After years atop the market, Teradici's PC over IP has some serious competition.

VMware's Horizon View VDI product has a new remote display protocol. For years PCoIP has been the go-to remote display protocol for View shops, but VMware's in-house protocol, Blast Extreme, is ready to take over.