This one kind of mixes the scenes from the first two songs, where there's somebody out there, and you really want to love her and you think you'd really like her. For some reason, the chord progression reminds me of a John Lennon chord progression because he had very simple, chunky piano parts in his songs. This one is another one I wrote on the piano, or I mean the synthesizer.

This one is a little more of a narrative, so the singer is saying, "There's this girl out there, and she is in some kind of relationship thing," and then perhaps the singer's perspective is being the other man in sort of an entanglement. It's interesting, and I end up coming up with weird things. That works." I don't have the proper hand or fingering technique, so I'm just trying to figure out something that works for me that I can actually play. So it's kind of the same thing where I know where notes are, and I know some chords and some chord variations and stuff, but a lot of times I'll just put my hand down and be like, "Oh, I like that. On the piano, to the same respect, I never even learned how to play. It kind of forced me to find new shapes and new chord progressions and new things.

So I wouldn't do something like, "Here's the major scale, here's the pentatonic scale," because I just had no idea where the notes were on the guitar anymore. What I used to do with my old band is I would tune my guitar strings so I couldn't find chord shapes. Well, I mean, on the synthesizer - I don't have a piano.

Sitting down at the piano to write songs, for me, is pretty interesting. I'm not a great piano player or anything, but I can try to bang away a little bit. "Another One" is my favorite song on the album because I'm kind of a guitar player guy, so to write songs that are all keyboard and no guitar is a new thing for me.